
Welcome to sGuide

A digital intervention.

Transforming sex education globally.


The Challenge

The spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is one of the biggest societal challenges that humanity still faces. The implications of risky sexual behaviour are hard for people to understand, because this behaviour takes place in a complicated network of interacting people ; this is one of the main reasons that current interventions fail to achieve the expected health-behaviour outcome.

A sex education intervention should therefore be tailored to the user’s needs, be engaging and immersive, in order to drive behavioural change in the area of STI transmission, rather than simply provide basic information on STIs. This is the purpose of sGuide, an innovative sex education platform.

What makes us different?

Many sex education programs have been described, particularly by young people, as being “boring” or “irrelevant” to their needs. sGuide appreciates the importance of digital sex education interventions, exploiting the fact that they are more attractive than traditional sex education interventions, as they offer a confidential and convenient medium for accessing health information, avoiding the embarrassment of discussions with teachers and health providers, and overcoming potential boredom by using an engaging and immersive digital format.


sGuide’s team has incorporated expertise needed to build a personalised behavioural change cross-platform intervention aiming to enhance public awareness on sexual health issues, promote user engagement and enhance user participation in relevant activities. sGuide empowers youth to make responsible choices that protect their health and well-being .

Professionally Evaluated

Clinical Psychologist (B.Sc. M.Sc.) Panagiota Mikellidou Christofi evaluated sGuide and strongly recommends it for the sex education of people with minimum age of 14 years old, irrespective of ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or gender.

What our customers are saying

The game is something I experienced for the first time in my life and I found it super interesting. I was actually disappointed it ended so quickly and wanted to go back and try different answers.

I found that the 'First Time' topic was touching on all the right things and covering all the possible worries anyone could have during their first time! I truly wish I had taken this course earlier in my life...this will be life-changing for so many young people!

Very valuable and educative material!

A great platform that I can see revolutionising sex education for all ages. Pretty comprehensive and well-structured. Good job. There are of course things that can be improved but I think you're on the right track to build something extraordinary. It was genuinely fun using sGuide.

Wow! I'm really impressed by the text and how well the message was coming across. I would imagine that the STI topic would be difficult and awkward to explain/read about but it ended up being so effortless! Great job everyone! Also, the dialogues in the game were super witty and amusing so extra bonus for the giggles while I was trying to diagnose the STI.

Overall it was a great experience, I feel honoured to have been one of the first users of this tool. I believe it has great potential and surely addresses an unmet need in education.