Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose sGuide for sex education?

We are dedicated to respect and protect your privacy, creating a confidential and safe place for an immersive and engaging educational experience.

What ages is sGuide suitable for?

Clinical Psychologist (B.Sc. M.Sc.) Panagiota Mikellidou Christofi evaluated sGuide and strongly recommends it for the sex education of people with minimum age of 14 years old, irrespective of ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or gender.

How can I get a license code?

To get a license code, you need to be referred by an organisation (like your school or clinic) that is registered with sGuide. They will provide you with your license code, which you can enter in subscriptions page to gain access to all the content. Alternatively, you can subscribe for the individual plan.

How do I recover my password?

Please use the contact form to let us know and we will reset your password.

I am experiencing issues with quizzes and activities not loading on my browser.

Please contact us for instructions on how to resolve issues with the activities and quizzes.