About Us
We are a group of researchers, scientists and engineers with prior experience from both industry and academia, focusing on the development of online products and services, and the research and development of information systems. We specialise in providing consultancy services and implementation of research projects.
About sGuide


The project is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
Clinical Psychologist (B.Sc. M.Sc.) Panagiota Mikellidou Christofi evaluated sGuide and strongly recommends it for the sex education of people with minimum age of 14 years old, irrespective of ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or gender.
Our Services
Technologos offers research and innovation services to support and establish collaborations among academic and industrial institutes to develop their research from inception of ideas to output commercialisation. We provide expert advice, research-funding specialisation, big data and advanced analytics solutions.
Our Mission
Our mission is to push the boundaries, giving our customers the quality of service they require, improving the effectiveness of our products and supporting the development of knowledge and technology.
Video voice overs
Anastasia Eleftheriou, Stavros Patsias, Myrto Stylianou
The games were developed using Unity and Fungus Games.
Images used in games designed by stockgiu, pch.vector, Alvaro_cabrera, macrovector, vectorpouch, macrovector_official, Freepik. .
Characters designed by Severin Baclet.
Music by Tony Longworth, Jonathan Marlin, and John Leonard.